
A globally competitive university recognized for excellence in sciences and emerging technologies. 


TSU shall develop highly competitive and empowered human resources fostering responsive global education, future-proof research culture, inclusive and relevant extension programs, and sustainable production projects.

Core Values

T - ruth in words, action and character  

S - ervice with excellence and compassion  

U - nity in diversity  


Strategic Directions (SOAR HIGHER)

S - ustainable student support programs to improve access to quality education to become globally competitive.  

O - utstanding international reputation and visibility through Academic and Research Exchanges.  

A - ssurance of quality and excellence through accreditation, assessment, and certification with global standards.  

R - igorous Development Programs for executives, faculty, staff, and students.  

H - ighly responsive and innovative Research Development and Extension programs.   

 I - nvestment on modern Infrastructures, facilities and equipment to ensure inclusive and responsive delivery of services to clients and stakeholders.   

G - ood governance, management, and accountability characterized by Truth Service and Unity.   

H - arness active partnerships and collaboration to local and international community.   

E - nhanced Production through Sustainable Income Generating Projects.   

R - esponsive, Innovative and Industry-based Curricula and Instruction. 

CCS Goals

To produce world-class IT professionals as potential industry leaders and job providers.